Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Visit To Protein Plant

Visit To Cell Industries Protein Plant

      Recently I visited Cell Industries Protein Plant who gave me insight on the inner workings of the factory. The first step in the production in proteins here in the factory is when the control center nicknamed the Nucleus recieves a order for proteins. Here at the nucleus many instructions being handed out to different parts of the Factory, to perfectly run the factory with no mistakes. This order was then given to a messenger Named Ribo Nucle, who transports the message out of the nucleus and delivers it to the workers running a machine called a Ribosome which creates the protein needed. The Ribsome was interesting to see as they were not separated from the main building in a separate room, I guess you could say they had no membrane surrounding them. The
created protein is put on the transport system called the endoplasmic reticulum where it will wait to be moved. by a vehicle called a vesicle that was custom made for this purpose. While following the Vesicle I saw the Mitochondria which creates green energy to run the factory. The Vesicle transports the protein to the packing area of the factory called the Golgi Body. the Golgi body packages the protein for transport and signals another vesicle to carry it the exporting door of the factory called the membrane where it released out of the factory. Overall this factory worked with precision and should be set as the new standard for factories everywhere.

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